It is my aim that you feel heard and understood
Therapy that starts and ends with youRoger Schwarz, JD, LMFT, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in the State of California via telehealth.
It is my aim that you feel heard and understood
Therapy that starts and ends with youRoger Schwarz, JD, LMFT, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in the State of California via telehealth.
Group Therapy
Money Changes Everything
Psssst… I have a secret for you… If you’re stressed about money, either personally or as a couple, it’s not really about the money.
As both a therapist and former financial planner, I am uniquely positioned to help you and your partner with your financial issues.
Join me for group therapy in a variety of formats for every individual, couple, or family and your budget.
New sessions of Money Changes Everything: Group Therapy for Couples and Individuals in Relationships start in late 2023, so sign up now!
Money Changes Everything
I will always start with you. I will meet you wherever you are emotionally, and fully accept you there.
There is only compassion, acceptance, and a safe place, not judgement, blame, or shame, when you work with me. I draw from a diverse toolset to tailor your therapy for your needs.
Therapy Services
Individual, Couple, Family, Group, and Workshops
Your personal and/or business relationships don’t have to be a struggle. Neither does your relationship with your self.
Shame-free Healing
No Topic is Off-Limits
We are often shamed for our thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics: sex, money, politics, religion – all of this and more can be addressed in a safe space.
About Roger
I have been a therapist for over 25 years
I have also been an attorney, CPA, tax attorney, financial planner, and executive coach.
This unique combination of life experience makes me a better therapist, especially when working with individuals and couples with financial issues and other “taboo” topics.
“The thing I love about Roger is
he really hears what I’m saying.
The impact of our first few
sessions was life-changing
in the best possible way!”

Frequently Asked Questions
I keep seeing the phrase "Your Self" - is this a typo?
The term “Your Self” is a very specific way to describe the you that you have lost touch with. It is my job to reintroduce you. Once you’ve found the Self you lost touch with, the work of healing can begin.
I'm not located in California - Can I still work with you, Roger?
If you’re not in California, I would love to welcome you to a workshop! Sadly, I am not licensed to practice private psychotherapy outside of the State of California, and California also has strict rules about telehealth out of state. Should that change, I will update it here.
Are you only seeing clients via telehealth?
Currently I am only seeing clients via telehealth. As restrictions are lifted and the pandemic conditions improve, those circumstances may change. Please check back for pandemic-related updates.
Are you a financial planner or a therapist?
As I worked with couples as a financial planner, I found myself much more effective when working on the struggles that people had on a personal level to be able to do the economics of their life well. That’s how I found my calling and became a therapist.
Who should (or shouldn't) work with Roger?
While I treat a broad spectrum of clients, I would recommend that the following groups seek alternative arrangements for therapy: children/teens (excepting those in Family Therapy), those struggling with eating disorders, and women struggling with post-partum depression. If you are unsure if we are a good match, I’d love you to schedule a consultation and we can discover this together!
Honesty is the Best Policy?
We've heard this phrase a thousand times, but how do we really feel about it?
Prepare for Budgeting! Take a deep breath and prepare your mind to consider...budgeting. It'll bring liberation! #budgeting #finance #finances #debt #money #issues #problems #stress #relationships #marriage #income
That Dirty Word ‘Practice’
Free Consult
Set Up a Free Consultation Today!
It's important when starting a patient-therapist relationship that it is a good match for us both - reach out today to schedule a consultation and let's get started!